Monday, June 30, 2014

Virtual Reality Has Become Reality

   I remember as a kid watching Popular Mechanics For Kids, and there was this one time where one of the kids went to Nasa, had a head set put on with gloves that had sensors in them and she trained to be an Astronaut through Virtual Reality.  Ever since then I wondered If I would ever be able to try one some day and if it would ever be able to just be bought for home the time has come!

Oculus Rift:
   When I first hear about the Oculus Rift, I was blown away!  An actual consumer Virtual Reality headset to play games with!  I soon found out Afterwards that it can be used for more then just gaming, turns out research facilities have been using VR as treatment for people with PTSD and other disorders.  Sony is even creating Project Morpheus for the PS4, another VR Head Set.

   Now back to gaming with this.  Games have been getting mods lately which allows the user of the Rift to actually move their head as they please.  But what is the point of being able to just look around if it isn't fun?

Razer Hydra:
   I just found out about these the other day, apparently have been out for awhile and are like both the Wii remotes and the Play Station Move.  I have seen footage of people using this device as either their hands or act as weapons in certain games.

   Now that's always good to have those two remotes act as the items in the game, but this is 2014, sure we've found a new consumer level version of something to do with your hands in VR, Right?

Control VR:
   This is something that got me even more excited for VR, this 12 sensor set up provides the users of their hands!  You can use this with the Rift for gaming, communicating sign language across the world, motion animation for games or videos.

Virtuix Omni:
   Now what would VR be without being able to walk around but not hit your wall or break anything?  The Omni is an omnidirectional treadmill video game peripheral, meaning you can run around and not go anywhere but it appears you are in VR.  There is a circular base with grooves in them for special shoes you wear so you don't get out of alignment as well as barrier around you so you don't fall over.

   So what does all of the above add up to?  One hell of a gaming experience for one!  But I am sure with time more uses for these will come to light to help people communicate and seek treatment for various mental and physical illnesses.

   Are you excited for Virtual Reality and the attachments that can help you become submerged in the game or is it still too

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Science Fiction Vs Science

   I love Science Fiction!  Ever since I was a kid watching tv and seeing things that could never actually happen coming to life has always been fascinating to me;  When I hear the term 'Movie Magic", thats what comes to mind.

   I am now 20 and my state of mind is changing; as much as I still love film, 'which im trying to get into', im beginning to look into real life science to find out where our future is headed.  I think one of the best ways to look forward is by looking at science fiction and try to make it an actual science.

   An example of this would be a script im writing which has the tentative title 'Evolved'.  In the script I have the main charcter need money, so he signs up for an experiment which in theory is supposed to make him healthier and regenerate his own body so no further medical treatment would ever be needed.  Except the proceedure goes far beyond that, not only does he get faster, stronger and smarter, he developes telekinesis and telepathy.  Now, the concept of my story is far fetched it may seem, but the thought that some of it is actually being looked into excites me.

   The point being is i wanted to know if someone is already looking into it.  I was on a site today called "Ideas Worth Spreading", and I was checking out the technology section to find out if some of the concepts in this character of mine are already being done, and some of it is!

   Of course not in the capacity i'm writing it in, some of the videos are a little older, all of which are at some point in the last decade but show some progress in there own specific field.  Some talked about regrowing limbs, our minds working like computers and just being able to take out certain genes in general.  One of the videos was talking about neo evolution in which we dont just wait for evolution to happen, we just do it ourselves.

   The whole reason I brought up this topic in the first place is so we can look at things in science fiction and see how they can become a reality, the one im really interested in seeing is telekinesis.  There was a video on the Ted site about a device you put on your head and it scans your brain waves and you can control things on a computer.  I would like to see them loose the computer and see if you brain can somehow be amplified to lift objects, either for disabled people who actually need it, or for me just to have fun with like in the movie Chronicle.

   It wouldn't be the first time science fiction has become a reality, space exploration for example seemed far fetched in the past but enough people believed in the possiblities that they made it real, digital books were far fecthed back in 1961 but are very real today, portable computers also seemed far fetched in the late 70's, even certian people looked to comic book heroes, decided to dress up and go out into the real world protecting others in anyway they can.

   What are some fiction/science fiction ideas or concepts you think should be made into a reality?